So here's the disco ready for the minor surgery I was preparing to perform on her on Bank Holiday Monday the traditional day for tinkering around with the house or the car.
I had all the spanners laid out and my latex gloves on. First it took pictures of all the important bits
Which I will add here
Then proceeded to remove said Alternator. This is pretty easy procedure although the nuts are a bit fiddly to get to with normal spanners even with a ring end. I need to invest in a set of sockets. (I did have one can't think where they have gone)
One I had taken all the fittings off the alternator still was attached by the wiring. So I took a pic of that too
So then disconnected the electrics and fitted them to the new alternator. Together with two black boxy things that were not on the new alternator but I guessed they should be.
Getting the alternator back on was pretty straight forward.
The whole thing took me about 1hr 20 minutes
The disco started - which was suprising as I thought the battery was down BUT it didn't seem to be charging (I've got a extraneous battery charge gauge on the dash)
Took it up the local quik fit andctheyvtold me the battery wasn't charging and the alternator was only putting out 11 volts. I'm guessing the belt was still a bit loose
So I got it home and tightened the belt BUT despite me topping up the water in the battery it hadn't enough charge to start the motor.
So the story stalls here until I swop the battery from my Rover 416 to see if I have cured the alternator problem but have got a duff battery !