Thursday, December 23, 2004

The Perfect Sandwich - USA I take it all back!

Well I admit it I was tempted by American Culture today and finally succumbed. Yes friends I went into Subway and bought a sandwich. And I might say it wasn’t half bad.

Now as a veggie there’s not much can go wrong with a sandwich is there? Ha, you’re wrong. Buy any veggie (can only vouch for these) sandwich at a motorway services or any garage up and down the country (in the UK) and that will prove you wrong. These things are generally over powered with mayonnaise or some other chemical concoction purporting to be mayo and are 99% cheese based, well they call it cheese but it usually tastes like some bland effluent from a cow rendering plant that’s gone hard in the sun. The bread, well the limpid white hardened scum scrapings they call bread is enough to make you constipated for a week such is its relationship to that squirty foam that fills cavities in your house.

But at Subway they seem to have got that art of sandwich making right! All hail the American Dream, life, liberty and the pursuit of the perfect sandwich! It all starts with a choice of bread. I had the Veggie delite and chose a Parmesan and herb roll. Then onto the production line of foodstuffs – Fordism finally harnessed for the benefit of mankind! First cheese (tasted alright to me) then the layers of crisp fresh looking salad (probably an over kill of chlorine but I couldn’t taste it)then tomato, cucumber, various pickles and wait for it – chillies! What a sandwich, cut in half and bagged for the trot to the office. Perfect.

I can’t praise the ingenuity of the Yanks too highly here. I know I’ve been down on them in the past, but its Christmas and I’ve just had a good sandwich and my belly is full. The only problem I can see are the crumbs in the keyboard but I can’t blame them for that – can I?

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