Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Illness abounds

Since last week, my last post actually, I have been ill. The virusy sort that makes you feel like a peice of felt thats been swept under a carpet in a place where lots of people in spiky high heels are walking all over you! PLus its making me cough a lot and I have an on going headache.

So i have spent much of the time in Bed, except for the weekend when it was my daughter matilda's seventh birthday, and I as it was also my weekend to have here I couldn't be ill for her could I, so I put on a brave face and soldiered on. We did all sorts of things and went to see Chicken Little. I thought that this might give me the opportunity for 90 minutes of sleep in a darkened cinema, but I actually watched the film and it was OK (ish) and sort of relative to a situation I am embroiled in with my littlest sister - all that moralising about closure and talking it through and listening to each other touched a raw nerve!

But most spookily, yesterday I did actually attempt to come back to work, even though I still wasn't feeling my best and guess what happened...

Yes I had a POT NOODLE!

What you say 'A POT NOODLE? - yeeuuuurrrrgh!

I Know I know, the last time I had a pot noodle was about 20 years ago, but yesterday after a team breifing I walked out of my office into the local shop and bought myself a POT NOODLE for lunch.

I don't know why I did it, perhaps it was some sort of Benylin enduced hympnotic state I had entered into (especially after snoozing through nearly 2 hours of a team briefing).

Or perhaps my body was craving some of the stuff thats in this, I hesitate to call it food. Maybe the antioxidants and stuff they use will have some beneficial effect on my raddled body, ease the coughing maybe (I've been coughing like an elephant with a hair stuck up its trunk) or something, maybe the eminent doctors and scientiosts that read this blog will come up with an answer - my name on the patent please.

Anyway today, even though I am coughing my way towards my coffin I have to drive up to Bristol, I should be in bed, I think, but I have something to do that has been booked for a while and it would just be such a hassle to have to re book it.

Who says us men make a meal out of being sick, I think I am being a brave soldier an all.....

Lots of pink fluffies and sympathy in the comments box please!

1 comment:

Mike Da Hat said...

You see Rob we're are victims of our genetics. Those of us with X & Y chromosomes suffer so much worse than those with 2 X chromosomes who have absolutely no conception of the severity of the diseases we contract. So yeah best soldier on old son because you aint gonna get sympathy from anyone with two X chromosomes just a knowing nod from the rest of us with X&Y.