Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Breasts - can't look can't touch!

Help I am just a man. I can’t help it. My eyes don’t seem to be controlled by my brain, well not my conscious brain anyway. I know I shouldn’t but they are there. In front of me - asking to be ogled! Yes, you office girls, I am talking about breasts! Your breasts to be specific!

Tell me, when you get dressed in the morning do you have a little debate with yourself. 'Now what blouse shall I wear, this nice one that buttons up to my neck or this very low cut one that shows all my boobs off so when men ogle me I can shout get off you dirty pig for looking at my tits!'

We men know you check out our bulges, but do we make a fuss? No. Do we make them more pronounced than they really are by the addition of a sock or two? No. Do we flaunt them in the office? No. And why not because we would all be up on sexual harassment charges that’s why.

Yes, these are the very same harassment charges if our eyes happen to slip below your nose level to those rounded hillocks of flesh peeping out of your blouses and you catch us looking. Catch 22.

Hint for the office girls/women: If you don’t want us to look cover up!

Now this is the crux of the argument isn’t it. You stick em out, cos you want us to look BUT if you catch us looking then we’re all dirty old men! Letching. Its like Damocles’ sword hanging over our heads, it really is. Shall I look or shan’t I look.

Breasts are a bit like eye magnets, it’s like eating a sugary doughnut, you can’t eat one without licking your lips, breasts are the same, if they’re there on show you gotta look. I think its part of our DNA programming.

But in the office it’s a social no-no. So girls please please please make your minds up if you have the goods on display can I look? ( I promise not to touch) or cover up it’s that simple – isn’t it?


E in Oz said...

Well...hmmm...working in a boys' school and with all guys mefinds it prudent to keep covered up! LOL

Personally, I don't get the whole 'look at me but only when I want you to look at me' kinda thing we girls do.

As for us looking at guys' bulges, um...nope...can't say I do that. Eyes do it for me.

SJ said...

Rob - breasts are like donuts...?

Peeved Michelle said...

Mmm, donuts...

If someone has their boobs on diplay, then they want them looked at and no amount of indignation is going to hide it. My officemate often has inappropriate cleavage at work. The difference is that when I look at her boobs, I think, "Slut, cover up!" When a guy looks at her boobs, he thinks, "Slut, take it off!" Either way, she is getting what she wants: boob attention.

St Bernard said...

Michelle; "inappropriate cleavage"........ I love it!