Wednesday, October 13, 2004


Hello I'm not blogging very much over the next couple of days as I am actually having to do some work! I am out doing fieldwork. I dunno why I'm calling it fieldwork because none of my time actually involves being in a field! Most of the time I am in a car slogging up and down the Motorway and highways and byways of sunny Devon. Actually it was sunny dorset today.

I am doing focus groups in schools. Trying to get 16/17 year old kids to tell me what they think of my Universities advertising posters. (crap was the overarching response I think) But obviously that's not a technical term so I need to come up with some suitable sociological claptrap that suggests the same.

Anyway thats one down and 5 more to go plus some mature students. Nothing but thorough me...


Mike Da Hat said...

You've got an "ology" so it's your duty to use ten words where one will do. Crap says it all for me. It's plain simple gets the message across. But you have to justify your existence and impress. Rock on Doctor Rob

SJ said...

Kids. (shivers).