Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Super Furry Animals

Oscar Wilde once said "The English country gentleman galloping after a fox - the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable."

From my point of view Oscar got it right. It is an unspeakable act of violence carried out by unspeakably nasty vicious bloodthirsty thugs. These are the very same people you will see filling the churches on a Sunday in the rural parishes. Piously saying their prayers with hands dripping in blood just like Pilates. Yet they continue to claim that this is a harmless sport and a natural part of country life.

Of course it’s not a natural part of the British Countryside; in fact you’d be hard-pressed to find anything natural about the British Countryside. The British landscape has been created and shaped by humans over centuries. Indeed Foxhunting didn’t start until about the 1830’s as most hunts believed it to be beneath their status to hunt ‘vermin’. But when they did they almost eradicated the natural British fox and had to import foxes from France, Germany and Holland.

This movement of foxes still happens today which belies the lie that the hunt is vermin control. If it is can someone tell me why fox cubs are moved across the country to areas where the fox population is so small there is no ‘sport’!

This is not sport and I don’t really care if a few hundred people lose their jobs because we are going to ban it. I didn’t see these self same people out on the pickets when the mining industry was decimated, neither were they there when the steel industry collapsed, nor do I ever hear their voices when other industries take a hit in this country. No these people live their cosy lives, on their farms, with their horses. And don’t tell me I am jealous of that and don’t tell me that foxhunting is a classless affair and that many people on the hunt are just ordinary people, crafts people, tradesmen and women. Yes they may well be, but I bet all are trying to catch a ride on the masters coattails, arselickers all.

And what of the fox itself? I read or saw on TV that the fox population controls itself. If the territory is over-populated the vixens will have smaller litters or may not breed at all and if the territory is under-populated then they will have larger litters. When hunters kill foxes during the hunting season (i.e. before the breeding season and the establishment of territories), they are not affecting the size of the breeding population at all, because this is controlled by the number of available territories. As far as keeping down fox numbers is concerned, they are wasting their time.

We will see how callous these people are very soon, we have already seen them dumping carcasses in Brighton, but I will lay money that as the ban comes in they will start killing their dogs and dumping them at Downing St. These people have no heart and are completely as Wilde tells us, unspeakable.

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